Sunday, 11 April 2010

Weekend & Bank Holiday Poet (by María Eugenia Bravo Calderara)

I am a poet of weekends
and bank holidays,
a poet of undesirable hours
who enlightens herself
at a time that is never convenient.

Worse still!
I am a poet with skirts
that is to say
a genetic contradiction.
A transgressor poet for those
who want their poetry
to wear trousers.

And so
on some weekends
or bank holidays,
I write,
usually trembling,
with my right hand,
while my left hand
talks to my heart,

And I scribble with passion
wet lines,
which my ardent passion
brings to life
with my blood.

I am a poet of huge round and yellow
shimmering suns,
of silent golden moons
that watch over the night
and of blue clear skies where
the South wind

I am a poet of other starry skies,
of a wild geography,
of unknown and cruel seas.

I am a poet of a love that once was
and of love that could never be,
the poet of the streets I used to walk,
of streets I was
forbidden to walk, of streets
I could only walk down with the eyes
of memory.

I am a poet of lives that have ceased
to exist and I carry with me the voices
of those we have learned to call
"the disappeared"
and I am the voice of all those people
from other continents
who cry and wail their need,
people I do not want to forget
or leave behind.

I am a poet of ears that see
and eyes that touch and smell.
I am a poet who speaks with all her body,
who plants her feet on roots yet
entangles her arms in the clouds
and talks to the sky.
I am a poet who has attached her voice
to her heart and her heart to her eyes
and I suffer with you
when life brings its pain.

As you can see, my friends,
I am just this:
just a poet like any other poet.
The only difference:
that I only can write
my lines, trembling,

during a weekend
or a bank holiday.


  1. Muy bueno y me gustaría que lo escribieras además en su versión original del castellano.

  2. Me encanto este poema. Queridas mujeres del taller de la memoria las invito a conocer mi taller:, Es un espacio que esta abierto para la literatura escrita en español, hablamos de libros, hacemos talleres, etc.. Me encantaría conocerlas pueden mandarme algún "contact detail" mas directo.
    Mil gracias
    Maria Paula Munoz

  3. me parecio buenisimo, realemnte, llega.



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